61 Many of us at Cornell have interesting occupations and interests. Jane Sessler (Manhasset, NY) owns racehorses. Heavenly Blaze gave her the first win at Saratoga on August 15, 2009. His mother, Halfway to Heaven, won ten races at New York tracks. She bred Blaze and was overjoyed that he brought her a win at Saratoga. You can put your $$ on Heavenly Blaze when you see him race at a New York track. Mary Ann Tower Rolland (Youngstown, NY) of the Rolland Development Corp. specializes in renovating historic houses. The large Sanford White shingle-style 1895 house in Niagara Falls should be complete by this fall. The home was saved from demolition and is Mary Ann's contribution to urban preservation. Congratulations for your efforts, Mary Ann. She feels that the courses she took in HE's Design and Environmental Analysis were a help in her career. She would like to hear from Chi Gamma classmates.

Former dorm-mate Marlene Alpert Tein (Boca Raton, FL) has been gathering her chicks around her. Daughter Naomi '90 moved her family ten minutes from Marlene, and Marlene's son moved his family an hour away. As Marlene puts it, "What a pleasure!" Another dorm-mate, Dale Abrams Rakusin, lives in Boca and visits with Marlene frequently. Marlene's private tax practice also allows her to do pro bono tax preparation for those in need. Good for you, Marlene. By the way, to you non-Spanish speakers, Boca Raton translates to: the mouth of the mouse or the mouse's mouth. Lola Cohen Green (Rancho Santo Fe, CA) returned from Kenya. Lola and husband Walter helped to build a medical clinic for kids in a Kenyan village. After completion of the clinic, they toured all over Kenya on safari. In Lola's words: "Amazing trip!" The Greens are also involved in an after-school program in the field of science for underserved San Diego teenagers. The program is called the Elementary Institute of Science (EIS), and Lola calls EIS "a fabulous educational program."

As I read the many submissions sent by our classmates, I am pleased to see how many of you contribute to local, national, and international causes. You should be very proud of yourself, Class of '61.

George Malti, JD '63 (Sedona, AZ) writes to tell us about his travels with wife Johannah. They visited Greece and Turkey and enjoyed a safari in Tanzania. Marco Minasso Yonkers, NY) enjoys traveling to see grandchildren and relatives. His challenge: "To stay out of the hospital." He stays active with the Vinvino Wine Co. Inc., an importer and distributor of fine wines. The Hotel School Alumni Association and the Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity Alumni are two of his other interests. As president of the Home Crest Civic Association, his neighborhood group, he strives to increase local and social awareness. Marco would like to hear from John Strahorn.

Carol Moore Hershey (Worthington, OH) manages a community nonprofit art gallery, High Road Gallery. It's in an 1818 historic building, which Carol renovated and, in 2000, donated for the use of High Road Inc. Carol and husband John had a great trip along the Croatian Coast (John's homeland): "Not to be missed." Skiing at Breckenridge was excellent for older skiers. Carol still plays tennis and mentors a group of "at risk" middle schoolers. If you are in Breckenridge, look for the St. Bernard Inn, which Joanna founded in 1970. It's on Main Street. Never did learn to ski, but the restaurant was a hit. Breckenridge has many memories for me, including the birth of son number two in Fairplay, the next town over from Hoover Pass. It had a 24-bed hospital (three beds in the maternity ward), and the doctor wore cowboy boots.

Stuart Carter, BArch '62 (Arlington, MA) is phasing into retirement after completing several major architectural projects. He is assisting sculptor Elizabeth Archer in her major show in Boston, and he plans to continue painting and sculpting. His daughter Michelle Carter is also a painter. Frances Shapiro Ivker (Hoover, AL) still practices medicine in New Orleans two to four days a month. "Hurricane Katrina destroyed my home, office, and practice, and the hospital is still closed. We moved to Birmingham and go to all life functions that we are invited to (weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and bar mitzvahs)." Frances is a member of the Ritual Burial Society for the Birmingham Jewish community. It's an ancient, honored, much-needed service to the community.

We hope you will continue to send us your news. It makes writing this column a joy! Be sure to check out our website, http://www.cornell61.org. Larry Wheeler makes us proud as our webmaster. Joanna McCully, joannacelticlady@aol.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ; Doug Fuss, dougout@attglobal.net. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it